The music is so soft,
yet it beats inside of me,
louder than my heart.
It makes me want to shout,
to sing,
to make the world know of my happiness.
So beautiful and sweet,
Warm and comforting,
I feel safe when I hear the notes ring loudly in my ears.
I makes me catch my breath,
makes my skin tingle,
Makes me want to cry and laugh.
I have to hear it,
over and over,
I never want it to end.
But then the notes get slower,
softer than before,
and I know I don't have long to soak it in.
For this is just another song,
just another melody,
just another boy trying to win my heart.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"You don't want to go outside." said the young girl. She had snuck up behind me, and I jumped in surprise. She looked about sixteen and wore a long dark shirt and skinny, dark jeans. She was covering most of her skin. She had long, thick, dark curls that cascaded down to her waist. She looked so unlike the other teenagers I had seen around. Most teenagers would have cut their hair short, or at the very least coloured is some very unnatural colour. But her hair looked natural. And her clothes, why did she cover so much up? It must have been almost 38 degrees Celsius. I craved to go back to my apartment and get out of this drab suit that was a mandatory uniform at the office. I often envied the young who could wear such free and colourful clothes. It's funny to think that a little more than a decade ago I was one of them. But it seems that the second you turn 25 you just get turned into some zombie worker drone.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because they'll get you. They can smell you." her expression didn't change, but she glanced outside, though the large, floor to ceiling, round window in the wall beside us, before focusing back to me.
"What will get me? There's nothing out there, right?"
"Nothing living." There was an eerie note to her voice. "It's the silver vampires. They'll find you quickly and kill you without mercy."
"OK now you’re just making up stories." I said, turning from her to the door. I peered through the small, circular window in the door. Behind the door was a small room, or what was left of it anyway. It was a mess. It looked as if something had come and taken a great bite out of the side of it. The furniture was ripped apart and there was broken glass covering everything. Somewhere, off to the right, a broken electrical wire sparked brightly. Long purple curtains just barely held onto the wall, and danced lightly in the breeze. I had never felt a breeze before; natural that is, only watched it from behind two inch thick glass.
"Why would I make up anything like this?" she asked her voice and face expressionless.
"Because you're a child, and children make up stories." I told her promptly.
"Do you really believe that, or did they tell you that?"
"What?" I had no idea what she was talking about, and my chance to step outside was thinning.
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she asked, tension building in her voice.
" do you know my name?" I had never met this girl before. She stood out in such contrast to the rest of them, I would have noticed her if I had met her, right?
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she repeated.
"I don't want to leave; I just want to see outside."
"But if you go out there, they'll get you. They have no mercy."
"Yeah, I got you the first time." All emotion had left her voice, and I felt like I was no longer talking to a human. She stared at me blankly, wanting better answer. "Listen kid, I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Just leave me-"
"Everything alright here sir?" A patrol officer was just passing by as I began to raise my voice. He had just rounded the corner of the long corridor; I don't know how I didn't hear him coming. I guess I could say the same about the girl.
"Yes, every thing's fine." I smiled. I had become good a faking a smile now, even when I felt like crap; it was second nature to me now. He nodded, and continued walking down passed us and rounded another corner.
"Just leave me alone." I hissed when I thought the officer was out of ear shot.
"I'm trying to help." her voice flat.
"There’s nothing to help. I won't go outside." I told her. She smiled and her face suddenly came back to life.
"Well that's good. I'll see you later." she said waving and following the path of the officer. I hoped I wouldn't see her again. I turned back to the window. It was so quiet there. I looked down the corridor, both ways and strained my ears for any noise. Nothing. I reached out slowly to the door knob. I didn't even know if it was unlocked, but I had to find out. It was the first time that I had walked down this corridor. I was just taking a short cut, when I saw the yellow and black police tape cutting off the door from the hall. I had only slipped under it when the girl appeared. As I turned the golden handle it squeaked loudly. I stopped suddenly and glanced over my shoulders, as if that small noise had been amplified around the whole building.
"Relax." I told myself. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Maybe it was because going outside was wrong; I've had that drilled into my head for as long as I could remember. Then again, how could I go outside anyway? There were no doors to the outside, and the windows were next to impossible to break. And even if you did, somehow break a window, where would you go? Then, I was on the top floor, level 183 and all floors under level ten were restricted in any building. There were over one hundred buildings in this small town and the only way to get between the buildings was to catch the train that connected them all together on level 30.
The train! I looked down at my watch. 6:55pm. my train would leave in 5 minutes. I dashed under the police tape and sprinted off down the corridor to the station.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because they'll get you. They can smell you." her expression didn't change, but she glanced outside, though the large, floor to ceiling, round window in the wall beside us, before focusing back to me.
"What will get me? There's nothing out there, right?"
"Nothing living." There was an eerie note to her voice. "It's the silver vampires. They'll find you quickly and kill you without mercy."
"OK now you’re just making up stories." I said, turning from her to the door. I peered through the small, circular window in the door. Behind the door was a small room, or what was left of it anyway. It was a mess. It looked as if something had come and taken a great bite out of the side of it. The furniture was ripped apart and there was broken glass covering everything. Somewhere, off to the right, a broken electrical wire sparked brightly. Long purple curtains just barely held onto the wall, and danced lightly in the breeze. I had never felt a breeze before; natural that is, only watched it from behind two inch thick glass.
"Why would I make up anything like this?" she asked her voice and face expressionless.
"Because you're a child, and children make up stories." I told her promptly.
"Do you really believe that, or did they tell you that?"
"What?" I had no idea what she was talking about, and my chance to step outside was thinning.
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she asked, tension building in her voice.
" do you know my name?" I had never met this girl before. She stood out in such contrast to the rest of them, I would have noticed her if I had met her, right?
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she repeated.
"I don't want to leave; I just want to see outside."
"But if you go out there, they'll get you. They have no mercy."
"Yeah, I got you the first time." All emotion had left her voice, and I felt like I was no longer talking to a human. She stared at me blankly, wanting better answer. "Listen kid, I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Just leave me-"
"Everything alright here sir?" A patrol officer was just passing by as I began to raise my voice. He had just rounded the corner of the long corridor; I don't know how I didn't hear him coming. I guess I could say the same about the girl.
"Yes, every thing's fine." I smiled. I had become good a faking a smile now, even when I felt like crap; it was second nature to me now. He nodded, and continued walking down passed us and rounded another corner.
"Just leave me alone." I hissed when I thought the officer was out of ear shot.
"I'm trying to help." her voice flat.
"There’s nothing to help. I won't go outside." I told her. She smiled and her face suddenly came back to life.
"Well that's good. I'll see you later." she said waving and following the path of the officer. I hoped I wouldn't see her again. I turned back to the window. It was so quiet there. I looked down the corridor, both ways and strained my ears for any noise. Nothing. I reached out slowly to the door knob. I didn't even know if it was unlocked, but I had to find out. It was the first time that I had walked down this corridor. I was just taking a short cut, when I saw the yellow and black police tape cutting off the door from the hall. I had only slipped under it when the girl appeared. As I turned the golden handle it squeaked loudly. I stopped suddenly and glanced over my shoulders, as if that small noise had been amplified around the whole building.
"Relax." I told myself. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Maybe it was because going outside was wrong; I've had that drilled into my head for as long as I could remember. Then again, how could I go outside anyway? There were no doors to the outside, and the windows were next to impossible to break. And even if you did, somehow break a window, where would you go? Then, I was on the top floor, level 183 and all floors under level ten were restricted in any building. There were over one hundred buildings in this small town and the only way to get between the buildings was to catch the train that connected them all together on level 30.
The train! I looked down at my watch. 6:55pm. my train would leave in 5 minutes. I dashed under the police tape and sprinted off down the corridor to the station.
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Secret Beach
Sun light poured over me, warming my skin as I stepped out of the car. It’s funny how less than one hundred kilometers can make such a difference in weather. I hadn’t been out in the sun in about three months. Getting away from the city was getting harder and harder since Simon got the position of city keeper, though we all called him the executioner. He was harsh, and recently set up new rules and curfews. But as long as I got back in a few hours, no one would notice I’m gone.
The sand was hot under my feet. The crystal blue water stretched out in a perfect line making the horizon. I could taste the salt in the air, only a few more meters and I could feel the salt on my skin. The water was cold but welcomed. The sky back at my village might be constantly grey and looked like it was going to rain, but on most days it was so humid that it was hard to move. I dived under the clear water, letting the coolness surround me. Oh how I wished I could live here, come here every day. To sit in the sun and swim in the water would be paradise. Even if it meant abandoning my people. Not that they cared. Since my brother Henry died, I have no use in that hell hole. I live for myself, and make no use to any of my neighbors, who are quickly becoming aware of it. I know that if I make no go use soon, I will have to work for Simon. That’s were most orphans with no talent go. It’s sad really to watch them all being exploited. They all work like slaves. If only there was something I could do. Henry had a talent. If he was here still to provide for us, then I wouldn’t have to work for Simon. He was the best artist in the village. His paintings were so perfect. They were so good they looked like photographs, which got him a lot of business because clear photographs were hard to come by now. We could have been the richest family in the village.
I took another breath and submerged myself in another wave, the refreshing water taking away memories. I wish I could breathe under water, and then I could escape into the ocean, live among the fish as if I was one of them. If only. I don’t have a talent, I never have. They always told me I was lucky to have Henry, I knew I was. I didn’t mind all the other students gossip and laugh at me when I took a study period every time we had our elective. In a school day, the first four periods were classes like maths, English, cooking, cleaning, any sort of knowledge we need to get along in life. The last two periods were dedicated to our elective, our talent, which we either picked, or our teacher chose for us. Neither my teacher nor I could decide which elective I would fit in. So instead I spend my last two periods in the library, studying. I didn’t mind, really. Beside all I want to do is live here, by the water.
I walked out of the water, the hot sand sticking to my wet legs and feet. I laid out my towel, spreading the sand, and sat down, putting on my hat and glasses. The sun dried my skin slowly, giving me a dark and even tan. No one back at my village knew where I got my tan from. Everyone else was so pasty because of the clouds. The beach was a family secret, so everyone in the Winters family had a deep tan from coming to the beach so often. Ironic how my name and my looks clash so much, eh? But that was helpful and made no one question me. They all thought that colour ran in my family.
I sat up again and stretched, I must have fallen asleep. I must have not slept very long because I hadn’t burned yet. And that’s when I saw him. He stood down the beach, just out of my vision. He was a blur, but I could tell he was there. It was impossible. No one followed me, I was sure, and no one knows about this beach. I was sure of that. I stood and began walking towards him. He didn’t move.
“Hey!” I yelled. But he didn’t answer. I was getting closer, but he was not becoming clear in my vision. What was happening? I yelled to him again, but still received no answer. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I could see a hint of purple. I gasped and turned that way. I saw it up in the sand dunes that eventually grew to thick bushland. But there was no purple mist. I turned back to the boy, but he was also gone. How could he do that? There was no where he could hide in that time. Though the fog could be the only explanation.
Two hundred years ago, the world was different. People had freedom to do and go where ever they wanted. Then the purple fog came around. They called it the eggplant flu, because the mist was an eggplant colour, and smelled like one too. The teachers at my school taught us about it. They said that when it first broke out, the humans had a sort of immunity to it, well some of them anyway. Most of the old population grew sick with what everyone that was the common flu, hence the name eggplant flu. But in a few weeks these people would die very quickly of dehydration. Scientists and doctors of the world tried the best they could to find a cure, and they thought they did, for a while. The rest of the population was injected with a something that they though would prevent death from the eggplant flu. But it only stopped the weeks of sickness that was followed by death. Instead people began just dropping dead at the first breath of the fog. That was when we were rounded into communities like mine, to be protected from the fog. I don’t know how a wall like the three meter tall brick one that surrounds my village will shield us from a deadly gas, it’s a bit stupid to even consider. But we don’t question it. It has seemed to work for the years that they have been up and holding together.
My great great granddad, when he was about twenty, my age, figured out how to climb the wall; distract the guards and climb the tree. Easy I guess, but it’s easier said then done. My granddad was so good that he was going down to the beach once a week. He taught my granddad, who taught my father, who taught Henry, who taught me.
“You shouldn’t be taking you little sister to the beach.” my parents yelled at my brother when they noticed my tan.
“She’s fifteen; I think she’s old enough. Besides, why hide it from her, the beach is beautiful.” I never went as often as my brother did, but I didn’t complain. Going at all was good enough for me. But soon after that, my parents died. Although the wall kept out the fog, it didn’t keep out the other diseases humans were prone to. Like malaria. I wasn’t even allowed to say goodbye before they died, they didn’t want to loose another life to the awful virus, no matter how useless my life is.
I walked up the dune and stood on the edge of the bushland. I was risking my life by following what I think I saw, but I was fast, and needed to know if I did see something. Maybe I could out run it? I peered into the cluster of gumtrees that blocked my vision.
“Hello?” I yelled. But I got no answer. I looked up at the sky, at the sun. It was about five in the afternoon. “Shit!” I ran down the hill to pack my things and sprinted off to my car. I had only a little more than an hour before curfew.
I drove back to the house where we first found the car, only a block away from the edge of the wall, and ran down the street. It was a much longer trip back then I had expected, and it was past curfew. An icy wind beat against my face and the thunder roared in the distance. I climbed the tree that edged the wall. As a new rule, Simon cut all the trees on the inside of the wall down, the ones that were too close to the wall. He didn’t tell the rest of my village, to stop panic. If they knew that someone could climb the wall, chaos would break out, or at least Simon thought it would. Only Henry and I realised. And that is how Henry died. We were trying to get over the wall when he fell. I didn’t see it happen, but I heard the snap. I had to carry my brother back to the hospital. They didn’t ask me too many questions; I was too upset to answer anyway.
It took me a while to go back to the beach. Not only for the fact, that it took me a while to learn to climb the ridged edges of the wall, but because it hurt just to come back to the place where it happened. There was no blood, in was a fracture to his spinal cord that had killed him, but in my eyes, the area was drenched in an eternal sadness that forever reminded me of him. I had gotten quite skilled in climbing the wall, and thankfully years of weathering and decay had created grooves in the wall, perfect for my small feet. I hauled myself on top of the wall, and sat low, momentarily to scan the area. This was probably the furthest point from any houses, and ahead of me was a vast area of trees. There were no guards below or around me, just yet, so I leapt down, landing unsteadily on my feet and sprinted to wards the dim glow of the village rising softly above the tree tops.
The sand was hot under my feet. The crystal blue water stretched out in a perfect line making the horizon. I could taste the salt in the air, only a few more meters and I could feel the salt on my skin. The water was cold but welcomed. The sky back at my village might be constantly grey and looked like it was going to rain, but on most days it was so humid that it was hard to move. I dived under the clear water, letting the coolness surround me. Oh how I wished I could live here, come here every day. To sit in the sun and swim in the water would be paradise. Even if it meant abandoning my people. Not that they cared. Since my brother Henry died, I have no use in that hell hole. I live for myself, and make no use to any of my neighbors, who are quickly becoming aware of it. I know that if I make no go use soon, I will have to work for Simon. That’s were most orphans with no talent go. It’s sad really to watch them all being exploited. They all work like slaves. If only there was something I could do. Henry had a talent. If he was here still to provide for us, then I wouldn’t have to work for Simon. He was the best artist in the village. His paintings were so perfect. They were so good they looked like photographs, which got him a lot of business because clear photographs were hard to come by now. We could have been the richest family in the village.
I took another breath and submerged myself in another wave, the refreshing water taking away memories. I wish I could breathe under water, and then I could escape into the ocean, live among the fish as if I was one of them. If only. I don’t have a talent, I never have. They always told me I was lucky to have Henry, I knew I was. I didn’t mind all the other students gossip and laugh at me when I took a study period every time we had our elective. In a school day, the first four periods were classes like maths, English, cooking, cleaning, any sort of knowledge we need to get along in life. The last two periods were dedicated to our elective, our talent, which we either picked, or our teacher chose for us. Neither my teacher nor I could decide which elective I would fit in. So instead I spend my last two periods in the library, studying. I didn’t mind, really. Beside all I want to do is live here, by the water.
I walked out of the water, the hot sand sticking to my wet legs and feet. I laid out my towel, spreading the sand, and sat down, putting on my hat and glasses. The sun dried my skin slowly, giving me a dark and even tan. No one back at my village knew where I got my tan from. Everyone else was so pasty because of the clouds. The beach was a family secret, so everyone in the Winters family had a deep tan from coming to the beach so often. Ironic how my name and my looks clash so much, eh? But that was helpful and made no one question me. They all thought that colour ran in my family.
I sat up again and stretched, I must have fallen asleep. I must have not slept very long because I hadn’t burned yet. And that’s when I saw him. He stood down the beach, just out of my vision. He was a blur, but I could tell he was there. It was impossible. No one followed me, I was sure, and no one knows about this beach. I was sure of that. I stood and began walking towards him. He didn’t move.
“Hey!” I yelled. But he didn’t answer. I was getting closer, but he was not becoming clear in my vision. What was happening? I yelled to him again, but still received no answer. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I could see a hint of purple. I gasped and turned that way. I saw it up in the sand dunes that eventually grew to thick bushland. But there was no purple mist. I turned back to the boy, but he was also gone. How could he do that? There was no where he could hide in that time. Though the fog could be the only explanation.
Two hundred years ago, the world was different. People had freedom to do and go where ever they wanted. Then the purple fog came around. They called it the eggplant flu, because the mist was an eggplant colour, and smelled like one too. The teachers at my school taught us about it. They said that when it first broke out, the humans had a sort of immunity to it, well some of them anyway. Most of the old population grew sick with what everyone that was the common flu, hence the name eggplant flu. But in a few weeks these people would die very quickly of dehydration. Scientists and doctors of the world tried the best they could to find a cure, and they thought they did, for a while. The rest of the population was injected with a something that they though would prevent death from the eggplant flu. But it only stopped the weeks of sickness that was followed by death. Instead people began just dropping dead at the first breath of the fog. That was when we were rounded into communities like mine, to be protected from the fog. I don’t know how a wall like the three meter tall brick one that surrounds my village will shield us from a deadly gas, it’s a bit stupid to even consider. But we don’t question it. It has seemed to work for the years that they have been up and holding together.
My great great granddad, when he was about twenty, my age, figured out how to climb the wall; distract the guards and climb the tree. Easy I guess, but it’s easier said then done. My granddad was so good that he was going down to the beach once a week. He taught my granddad, who taught my father, who taught Henry, who taught me.
“You shouldn’t be taking you little sister to the beach.” my parents yelled at my brother when they noticed my tan.
“She’s fifteen; I think she’s old enough. Besides, why hide it from her, the beach is beautiful.” I never went as often as my brother did, but I didn’t complain. Going at all was good enough for me. But soon after that, my parents died. Although the wall kept out the fog, it didn’t keep out the other diseases humans were prone to. Like malaria. I wasn’t even allowed to say goodbye before they died, they didn’t want to loose another life to the awful virus, no matter how useless my life is.
I walked up the dune and stood on the edge of the bushland. I was risking my life by following what I think I saw, but I was fast, and needed to know if I did see something. Maybe I could out run it? I peered into the cluster of gumtrees that blocked my vision.
“Hello?” I yelled. But I got no answer. I looked up at the sky, at the sun. It was about five in the afternoon. “Shit!” I ran down the hill to pack my things and sprinted off to my car. I had only a little more than an hour before curfew.
I drove back to the house where we first found the car, only a block away from the edge of the wall, and ran down the street. It was a much longer trip back then I had expected, and it was past curfew. An icy wind beat against my face and the thunder roared in the distance. I climbed the tree that edged the wall. As a new rule, Simon cut all the trees on the inside of the wall down, the ones that were too close to the wall. He didn’t tell the rest of my village, to stop panic. If they knew that someone could climb the wall, chaos would break out, or at least Simon thought it would. Only Henry and I realised. And that is how Henry died. We were trying to get over the wall when he fell. I didn’t see it happen, but I heard the snap. I had to carry my brother back to the hospital. They didn’t ask me too many questions; I was too upset to answer anyway.
It took me a while to go back to the beach. Not only for the fact, that it took me a while to learn to climb the ridged edges of the wall, but because it hurt just to come back to the place where it happened. There was no blood, in was a fracture to his spinal cord that had killed him, but in my eyes, the area was drenched in an eternal sadness that forever reminded me of him. I had gotten quite skilled in climbing the wall, and thankfully years of weathering and decay had created grooves in the wall, perfect for my small feet. I hauled myself on top of the wall, and sat low, momentarily to scan the area. This was probably the furthest point from any houses, and ahead of me was a vast area of trees. There were no guards below or around me, just yet, so I leapt down, landing unsteadily on my feet and sprinted to wards the dim glow of the village rising softly above the tree tops.
It was almost done, almost around his wrist.
"Hey! What are you doing?!” yelled the guard, jerking his hand away. But it was too late for him, it was done. I flipped the switch, and the blue glow from the shackles held his wrist in place. I grabbed the gun from his desk before quickly jumping away from his grasp. He grabbed at the air in front of me; I could feel his skin brush past, just missing me. I staggered back a bit, holding the gun out in front of me with two hands. My hands were shaking. The guard hesitated for a moment before realising I was completely incapable with a gun and pulled his own gun from his belt and aimed it at me. Shit. I was going to die. I racked my brain for something, anything.
'I wouldn't shoot if I was you." I said, hoping I didn't sound as nervous as I felt. He narrowed his eyes. 'I am the daughter of the ancient king."I said, straightening my back as I did. He only widened his eyes, but he still looked as though he doubted everything I said."And if the legends are true, then it is pointless since you can not harm or kill me." I didn’t want to have to prove it to him.
"That's bullshit!" he didn't hesitate and shot the gun. The bullet flew too fast for me to react and it pierced through my shoulder. I could hear my bone shatter and I had to use every ounce of my energy to stay standing. He shattered my right shoulder, making my arm fling back and throw my gun behind me. I tried to grip it as it slipped from my fingers, but I realised then that I could not longer move my hand or fingers. Never had I experienced anything as painful, never in my life do I want to experience that again. I bit down hard on my lip and stood for a moment to regain myself. My vision started to blur and fade and I suddenly got vey light headed. I looked down slowly at the large wound surrounded by crimson drenched fabric. The blood seeped down and dripped on the floor. It wasn’t working, all I was told was a lie. I reached up to the wound and as my finger made contact with the open flesh the searing pain that I thought couldn't get any worse increased so intensely I thought I was going to be sick. I let a noise that sounded between a hiss and a moan escape my lips. Tears swelled in my eyes as I dug deeper in find the bullet. Finally my fingers clasped around the hot metal and in one jerking motion, I pulled the bullet from my shoulder. I bit down on my lip so hard that I thought I tasted blood. I flicked the bullet away and heard the ping sound as it bounced off the floor.
"Is that all you’ve got?"I asked, my voice sounding breathless. The man laughed and aimed at me again, this time at my head. Suddenly joy surged though me, every happy memories I had in my mind suddenly bubbled to the surface. I felt like I was just about to start laughing hysterically, I was so happy. I looked at the guard and saw his face had dropped and his attention was back on my shoulder. I followed his gaze and watched the bullet wound heal before my eyes. The immense pain soon left too. The guard dropped his gun and backed away.
"What are you?" He asked. I could only grin as I left the room.
"Hey! What are you doing?!” yelled the guard, jerking his hand away. But it was too late for him, it was done. I flipped the switch, and the blue glow from the shackles held his wrist in place. I grabbed the gun from his desk before quickly jumping away from his grasp. He grabbed at the air in front of me; I could feel his skin brush past, just missing me. I staggered back a bit, holding the gun out in front of me with two hands. My hands were shaking. The guard hesitated for a moment before realising I was completely incapable with a gun and pulled his own gun from his belt and aimed it at me. Shit. I was going to die. I racked my brain for something, anything.
'I wouldn't shoot if I was you." I said, hoping I didn't sound as nervous as I felt. He narrowed his eyes. 'I am the daughter of the ancient king."I said, straightening my back as I did. He only widened his eyes, but he still looked as though he doubted everything I said."And if the legends are true, then it is pointless since you can not harm or kill me." I didn’t want to have to prove it to him.
"That's bullshit!" he didn't hesitate and shot the gun. The bullet flew too fast for me to react and it pierced through my shoulder. I could hear my bone shatter and I had to use every ounce of my energy to stay standing. He shattered my right shoulder, making my arm fling back and throw my gun behind me. I tried to grip it as it slipped from my fingers, but I realised then that I could not longer move my hand or fingers. Never had I experienced anything as painful, never in my life do I want to experience that again. I bit down hard on my lip and stood for a moment to regain myself. My vision started to blur and fade and I suddenly got vey light headed. I looked down slowly at the large wound surrounded by crimson drenched fabric. The blood seeped down and dripped on the floor. It wasn’t working, all I was told was a lie. I reached up to the wound and as my finger made contact with the open flesh the searing pain that I thought couldn't get any worse increased so intensely I thought I was going to be sick. I let a noise that sounded between a hiss and a moan escape my lips. Tears swelled in my eyes as I dug deeper in find the bullet. Finally my fingers clasped around the hot metal and in one jerking motion, I pulled the bullet from my shoulder. I bit down on my lip so hard that I thought I tasted blood. I flicked the bullet away and heard the ping sound as it bounced off the floor.
"Is that all you’ve got?"I asked, my voice sounding breathless. The man laughed and aimed at me again, this time at my head. Suddenly joy surged though me, every happy memories I had in my mind suddenly bubbled to the surface. I felt like I was just about to start laughing hysterically, I was so happy. I looked at the guard and saw his face had dropped and his attention was back on my shoulder. I followed his gaze and watched the bullet wound heal before my eyes. The immense pain soon left too. The guard dropped his gun and backed away.
"What are you?" He asked. I could only grin as I left the room.
Love's Ghost
Suddenly the feeling of panic that I had experienced earlier that day returned to me, along with the splitting headache, waves of nausea and rusty metal taste in my mouth. I looked franticly around in a panicked daze to see where he was. In such a small and confined space I was hoping he would keep his distance. Only this time he wasn’t there. But he had to be right? It was funny to think that now I was expecting the boy who had terrorised me in my darkest moments. It took me a few moments to realize that he was there, lingering above my head watching me, always watching me. He was so close! I had to catch my breath to stop myself from screaming. I could see his face so perfectly now from the dim glow coming in from the window. Square jaw, thin lips, big eyes that looked as if they could catch the light so fantastically. He would look so handsome if he wasn’t so transparent and washed out and hovering inches from my face. There was something that grew inside of me that wanted to reach up and touch him that burned through the panic that I was experiencing. But in my shackled state that was impossible. As if thinking the same thing, the boy reached down and brushed back of lock of hair that had fallen astray from behind my ear, with the tips of his fingers. They were not at all as I would have expected them. They were warm and rough, like they belonged to a boy who had dedicated his life to a punishing spot. But there was something different about his touch. It was like a jolt of electricity suddenly coursed through us both. My skin tingled and felt sweet, like chocolate. But how would I know? I’ve never eaten chocolate before, have I? I sat completely motionless as he jerked his hand back, feeling the same electricity I had. I was caught in a trance, not sure if I wanted to sink back into whatever little space I had left, or to reach of and touch him again. Oh how I now craved that jolt of electricity that buzzed though my mind. But he decided for me. He lent in and met me with a kiss so light I wasn’t sure if out lips had touched at all. The electricity that now poured through is gave me a dizzy effect that made me wonder if this was even real at all; was I imagining him, like so many had told me before? To create such a thing as this boy and this kiss with my mind was banished from my thoughts when I opened my eyes again. He hovered there, a smile playing on his lips that seemed all too familiar, before colour burst though his face. His skin gave a glow of its own and his eyes were so green and beautiful like emeralds. He reached out one last time to cup my face and his hand seemed to fit perfectly to my jaw, before finally fading into the darkness, leaving me alone, trapped with only my thoughts to play over and analyze what had just happened.
“No! Wait!” I called into the night, before I could catch the words escaping from my mouth.
“Shut up!” Yelled the man angrily from the other side of the door.
“No! Wait!” I called into the night, before I could catch the words escaping from my mouth.
“Shut up!” Yelled the man angrily from the other side of the door.
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