"You don't want to go outside." said the young girl. She had snuck up behind me, and I jumped in surprise. She looked about sixteen and wore a long dark shirt and skinny, dark jeans. She was covering most of her skin. She had long, thick, dark curls that cascaded down to her waist. She looked so unlike the other teenagers I had seen around. Most teenagers would have cut their hair short, or at the very least coloured is some very unnatural colour. But her hair looked natural. And her clothes, why did she cover so much up? It must have been almost 38 degrees Celsius. I craved to go back to my apartment and get out of this drab suit that was a mandatory uniform at the office. I often envied the young who could wear such free and colourful clothes. It's funny to think that a little more than a decade ago I was one of them. But it seems that the second you turn 25 you just get turned into some zombie worker drone.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because they'll get you. They can smell you." her expression didn't change, but she glanced outside, though the large, floor to ceiling, round window in the wall beside us, before focusing back to me.
"What will get me? There's nothing out there, right?"
"Nothing living." There was an eerie note to her voice. "It's the silver vampires. They'll find you quickly and kill you without mercy."
"OK now you’re just making up stories." I said, turning from her to the door. I peered through the small, circular window in the door. Behind the door was a small room, or what was left of it anyway. It was a mess. It looked as if something had come and taken a great bite out of the side of it. The furniture was ripped apart and there was broken glass covering everything. Somewhere, off to the right, a broken electrical wire sparked brightly. Long purple curtains just barely held onto the wall, and danced lightly in the breeze. I had never felt a breeze before; natural that is, only watched it from behind two inch thick glass.
"Why would I make up anything like this?" she asked her voice and face expressionless.
"Because you're a child, and children make up stories." I told her promptly.
"Do you really believe that, or did they tell you that?"
"What?" I had no idea what she was talking about, and my chance to step outside was thinning.
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she asked, tension building in her voice.
"I...how do you know my name?" I had never met this girl before. She stood out in such contrast to the rest of them, I would have noticed her if I had met her, right?
"Why do you want to leave, Mr Davis?" she repeated.
"I don't want to leave; I just want to see outside."
"But if you go out there, they'll get you. They have no mercy."
"Yeah, I got you the first time." All emotion had left her voice, and I felt like I was no longer talking to a human. She stared at me blankly, wanting better answer. "Listen kid, I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Just leave me-"
"Everything alright here sir?" A patrol officer was just passing by as I began to raise my voice. He had just rounded the corner of the long corridor; I don't know how I didn't hear him coming. I guess I could say the same about the girl.
"Yes, every thing's fine." I smiled. I had become good a faking a smile now, even when I felt like crap; it was second nature to me now. He nodded, and continued walking down passed us and rounded another corner.
"Just leave me alone." I hissed when I thought the officer was out of ear shot.
"I'm trying to help." her voice flat.
"There’s nothing to help. I won't go outside." I told her. She smiled and her face suddenly came back to life.
"Well that's good. I'll see you later." she said waving and following the path of the officer. I hoped I wouldn't see her again. I turned back to the window. It was so quiet there. I looked down the corridor, both ways and strained my ears for any noise. Nothing. I reached out slowly to the door knob. I didn't even know if it was unlocked, but I had to find out. It was the first time that I had walked down this corridor. I was just taking a short cut, when I saw the yellow and black police tape cutting off the door from the hall. I had only slipped under it when the girl appeared. As I turned the golden handle it squeaked loudly. I stopped suddenly and glanced over my shoulders, as if that small noise had been amplified around the whole building.
"Relax." I told myself. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Maybe it was because going outside was wrong; I've had that drilled into my head for as long as I could remember. Then again, how could I go outside anyway? There were no doors to the outside, and the windows were next to impossible to break. And even if you did, somehow break a window, where would you go? Then, I was on the top floor, level 183 and all floors under level ten were restricted in any building. There were over one hundred buildings in this small town and the only way to get between the buildings was to catch the train that connected them all together on level 30.
The train! I looked down at my watch. 6:55pm. my train would leave in 5 minutes. I dashed under the police tape and sprinted off down the corridor to the station.
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